CSY Designs Chris & Sarah's WebSite
CSY Designs' Portfolio

Created for a MyWeb20 member couple with minimal web skills, and very little free time, but wanting to share photos of their new child. This site uses the basic community site package, and a custom style. Like most of the other community member sites it is focused around the gallery, and user interaction is simple by design. The primary input from the user gave us the colors used as primary parts of the style, which matches with the basic Gallery style used.

The Welcome Page

This is a very simple page serving primarily to provide access to the gallery and guest book.  The site style is derived from varying shades of blue, which was their preferred color. It employs our standard visitor counter, and Tell A Friend scripts.

The Gallery

Our default installation of Gallery is used here.  The style is one of the native application styles. The gallery allows visitors to comment on albums, and images.  It has our basic modifications, the return link,  the Tell A Friend script, and the Invite script.  The Tell A friend script appears on every page of the gallery, and is for visitor’s use. The Invite script link is only available for the gallery owner when they are logged in, and allows it to be sent to  multiple recipients.

The Contact Us Page

This page uses a simple form to allow site visitors to contact the users.  It is designed to allow visitors to comment to the user privately for those visitors not wanting to do so publicly via the guest book, or gallery.  It has a matching confirmation page, and error pages.

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